How Is Technology Shaping The Pet Industry?

Technology has made caring for our dogs and engaging with them easier and more enjoyable than ever before. New trends and developments that began in other industries are regularly adopted and updated to satisfy the demands and wishes of the multibillion-dollar global pet industry. The pet sector is expected to continue to grow at a rapid pace in the future, according to industry trends and estimates. While the overall outlook is positive, several segments of the pet market are experiencing tremendous development. 

Pet owners want only the best for their cherished pets. And businesses in the pet industry want to be sure they're taking advantage of the most recent market trends. Pets sleep in their owners' beds. They're taken for walks and eat more nutritiously than humans do. They are treated as if they were a member of the family. Pet owners understand the joy that their animals can provide them, but they also understand the stress and anxiety that comes with having a pet that requires attention.

Pet parents can now have better access to veterinarian care because of technological improvements. The goal is to improve pet care access by using cutting-edge technology to bring pet owners and pets together in one ecosystem to better manage pet care.

As with all other parts of a sophisticated young consumer's lifestyle, technical solutions to pet-related difficulties are expected. And, since the majority of pet owners aren't scared to spend money, all technology had to do was grant their request. As a result, the pet-care business is seeing several ground-breaking advances.

So, what impact has technology had on the pet-care industry? 

Let's take a look at some examples.


  • Healthcare: First and foremost, technology has an impact on healthcare as it enhances processes. More gadgets and equipment to aid healthcare are needed to ensure that pets live longer lives. Online medical aid has helped several pet parents get instant care when they need it, and it is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Surgical success rates have improved thanks to technology. Major surgeries are being performed laparoscopically, which reduces the risk of infection and recuperation time.


  • Improved Physical Fitness: Measuring pet fitness is now as simple as tracking human fitness. Wearable technology, such as smart collars, can track the health of your pet. It works similarly to Fitbit for dogs, collecting information such as your pet's activity, oxygen levels, and so on. Because of all of this information, veterinarians can quickly detect a disease in a pet if one exists.Not only that but with interactive dog toys, now you can easily keep your dog on the move making him physically active and happy.


  • Microchipping: This is extremely prevalent nowadays, and pet owners should be required to do so. A painless process is used to implant a microchip into the dog's neck. This chip holds all of the dog's and owner's information. If a pet is found and taken to a shelter, the shelter will check to see if the dog is chipped. This operation only takes a few minutes, but it has the potential to last a lifetime. This is an excellent way to assure that if your pet is located, it will be returned to you.


  • Smart Water Dispenser: Animals, like people, require water to maintain a healthy diet. Water, in particular, is needed for maintaining a healthy internal temperature and for transporting essential nutrients into the body's cells. To stay hydrated, a dog should drink one ounce of water per pound of body weight every day. It has been observed that dogs prefer to drink rushing water over stagnant water. If you give them water in a bowl, it is unlikely that they will drink it unless they are very thirsty. A water fountain, on the other hand, appears to be fun and encourages kids to drink more water. It has a built-in filter that ensures that the water is clean. In addition, the falling stream of water is oxygenated and falls into the dish at a controlled flow rate.

Another difficulty that owners had to deal with was the availability of water when they were away. Automated water dispensers eliminate the need to replace the bowl with fresh water regularly, thanks to technological advancements. You no longer have to be concerned about your dog running out of water while you are away because such devices allow you to automate the entire system.


  • Webcam: It's impossible to take your pet everywhere with you, so you'll have to leave them home alone from time to time. This could be a stressful time for both you and your pet. You may be curious about what your pet is doing the entire time, and your pet may have separation anxiety. This problem can be solved by using a webcam with two-way audio. A treat dispenser is included with a few cameras, making them more interactive for the pet and allowing the reward system to keep them well-behaved.


  • Smart toys: When you are away from home, you miss your pet, and your pet misses you as well. Generally, if you do not engage with your pet, they may become bored and hence destructive. Giving them smart toys that can be controlled with the help of an app on your phone can solve this problem. This toy could be in the shape of a bone or a ball, and it will keep your pet occupied even if you are not present. You'll need to connect the toy to the internet, and your pet will have an interactive toy to play with.

Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and improved our quality of life. As a result, our pets are no exception. The examples given above are just a few of many; there are many more available and several more on the way. The impact of technology on pet care will only rise, especially as public awareness of pet welfare grows.

PawsIndia is a one-stop-shop pet portal for all your pet product needs. We are a leading product development and design company for pets. Our strive for innovation reflects in all our products. We are the forerunners of e-com platforms that provide content, serve local businesses with handcrafted products, and are the ultimate platform for your pet’s well-being.

What makes us different? Pet parents want us!

Our mission is to make their life easy and their pet happy. And a parent's immense happiness is in seeing their child's wagging tails.

With PawsIndia – You Parent, We Pamper.

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